Get Excited- Major update of Todo Cloud for Web is coming!

Todo Cloud Web
In fact, it is so close you can use it now. It IS a beta version, which means that we’re still working through some smaller bugs. But, it’s live, it’s real, and it’s better than ever. We would very much appreciate your input. Please let us know if you find any bugs. The beta version ( is connected to all your current tasks, so if you login, you’ll be able to use the latest and greatest from Todo Cloud.

Our all-new Todo Cloud for Web is a complete rewrite of the web platform. It uses the same user interface, colors, and flow of the already-proven iOS app. So it will be VERY familiar and easy to use. This new version also has the great features we’ve already put into the iOS version of Todo Cloud such as Smart Lists. All the goodness you’ve been using for years like projects, checklists, loads of task details and task and list sharing are all there too.

But wait, there’s more.

Once we get this Web version finished up, we will be rolling out new versions of Todo Cloud for Android, Mac, and Windows. They will also have the updated flow and features. So it will be the same experience across all the apps on all the platforms.

But wait, there’s even more!

Do you remember that sync is still free? Last year, we made a feature and pricing change to let our customers have the apps (iOS, Android, Web, Mac) and the syncing across those platforms for free. And yes, it is still free.
At Appigo we are REALLY excited about this release and excited to get these new apps into your hands. So we hope you’ll take a minute and go check out the beta version for web at Use your existing username and password to login and voila! Its all there.

Or, if you’re new to Todo’s awesomeness, create a free account and get started using the best in task management and productivity. And please let us know what you think!

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9 Responses

  1. Hello,
    I’m testing the new version of the software in Beta. Congratulations for your work! I have noticed for now that the order in which tasks are displayed is not the same as the IOS app, while the order is the same on the current stable version of Todo Cloud for windows.

  2. Have contexts been removed just like in iOS? Also, is it possible to assign start dates without a due date on a task within a project? We are wanting to use the GTD “next action” concept for a project, but cannot figure out how to get just the task in the project show up in the focus list rather than the whole project. Thanks.

  3. New version provides a column on the left that show all of my list titles and the number of items in each. I find it distracting to have it there all the time. Is there a way to get rid of it when I don’t need it? Thanks.

  4. Hi there
    It seems like this update has pushed out the dates for all existing tasks by a day. I changed my time-zone in settings and that didn’t fix the issue…

  5. I’m assuming you launched the production version today, since my ToDo looks different and my Focus list is only displaying a single task, instead of the 8 tasks it contained yesterday. A word of warning would have been nice (email still works), and updated instructions are always appreciated.
    At this moment I’m trying update the logic in my Focus list, and nothing seems to work. Thanks a lot!

  6. I like the look of the new layout however, how can i set the task list to NOT show completed tasks. The old version was simple enough to configure but i cannot see this option for the new layout.

  7. It’s very frustrating to have lost the ability to print with the new web version. Just because I’m stuck using Windows shouldn’t mean I can’t print! Help?

  8. The sort by due date is reversed in the future list. All the others are sorted correctly. I find this annoying as I am putting in projects that have a due date for next year and it puts them at the top of the list of future projects instead of the end

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