Todo Cloud Enables Teams

Running a business is not easy. Having tried and failed myself a couple of times I can get it. Running a team is not easy. Having coached sports, played sports, and worked on many different corporate teams I get it. Laying concrete is not easy. Having worked for a concrete company one summer BELIEVE ME I get it. When it comes to laying concrete there are tools that make an extremely difficult job a little easier though. When it comes to running teams and businesses there are similar tools today to help you be successful. Todo Cloud enables teams to succeed.
When Monday morning rolls around each week, I am guilty of a couple of things. One of them is sitting down, turning on my computer, and wondering – where did I leave off? What goals am I working on right now? Which reports am I supposed to have turned in to Mr. Vader? When am I supposed to have those reports turned in? Goal setting, list sharing, location reminders, and team collaboration are just a few of the ways Todo Cloud enables teams to succeed at a higher level.

How to Execute Stellar Projects With Cross-Team Collaboration - Focus

Using Team Checklists 

The Todo Cloud app lets you structure the functionality to improve specific business operations. Let’s say that Mr. Vader creates a checklist and shares it with the team. We now know that one of our end goals is to build a death star. There are many steps, and many deadlines to accomplish that, and we can see every intricate detail of that plan on the shared checklist. We can see breakdowns, due dates, who is responsible for what, people to contact, and everything else that we would need to successfully build a death star.

Convenience in Your Pocket

Keeping track of your business operations is easier when you can carry everything in your pocket. Todo’s cloud access and syncing lets you view and edit reports, receive input from employees and check that death star checklist anywhere anytime (not sure if we are set up on Tatooine yet).  It is simple to add Cloud licensing to include marshal commanders, clone commanders, dark lords, and droids so they all can connect with that death star checklist and complete their assigned tasks.

Consider Emergencies

It is important for businesses to always have planned emergency processes. What with always having those blasted ewok’s causing problems, you never know what situation might arise. Although, history seems to repeat itself so there really is a lot we can plan for. Some of these plans might need to be discussed but many of them just simply need to exist. Todo Cloud makes it easy to have step by step plans for every scenario. This allows your safety officer to create and develop step by step lists for each circumstance. Then if one is to ever transpire, these lists can simply be shared with the team and everyone can access what is needed.

Setting up Todo Cloud for Teams

If you are working to create planet-destroying technologies, run a business, or manage your sales team Todo Cloud can help to enable those teams to do more. Below I have listed some resources to help you get started.

We appreciate as always your input, feedback, and assistance in making Todo Cloud better. We would love to hear from you with any comments or questions! Have a great day and you will continually see how Todo Cloud enables teams to do more.

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