Manage Projects and Team Members with Todo Cloud

Wouldn’t it be great if you had an easy-to-use tool to manage your team’s schedule and task list from your phone? That’s what we thought at Appigo, and so we made a hard working app that could do just that.
Finding the balance between micromanaging and mismanaging a team can sometimes be difficult, particularly in the business world we live in today. Work is often more scattered and unpredictable than it was in the past. Todo is a simple app with powerful features that allows you to consistently keep in touch with your team without breathing down their necks.

Use Todo to Manage Projects

Todo allows you to share task lists with relevant groups of people so that you can collaborate on and manage projects easily. Assign ownership and deadlines to specific tasks to keep your team organized. Include in-task notes and comments to communicate additional information about task completion and to field questions from team members. Use the task list to stay informed about whether or not things are being completed according to plan- without getting on your team members’ cases.

T4B manage team.001Use Todo to Manage Job Responsibilities

Organize task lists by team member to manage recurring job responsibilities and keep your employees from overlooking the small stuff. Keeping up with individuals will help you to know quickly when something is going wrong or not getting done, so you can rectify the issue before it gets out of control.

Take Advantage of Smart Lists

We’re all about removing barriers to good organization. This is why we created smart lists that allow you and your employees to sort tasks from all other lists quickly and easily. Create a list that will bring together all tasks with a keyword in their name, all tasks of a certain priority level, or all tasks that have been assigned to you amongst your shared lists.

For Instance: Use the Built-In “Next 7 Days” Smart List
Next 7 days - team.001The Todo app has a built in “Next 7 Days” smart list that helps you keep track of what’s right in front of you. The list brings together all of the tasks from all of your task lists that have deadlines in the coming week to help you keep perspective no matter how many projects you’re working on currently.

Use this list as it is, or duplicate it and add a few additional filters to transform it into an actionable list customized to your team’s needs. If you’re managing a group project, add a filter that will limit the list to only the items due for that particular project, and use it to produce relevant talking points for weekly team meetings.

Another great use for this kind of smart list is as a tool in employee one-on-one meetings. Consistent one-on-one meetings are a valuable way for supervisors to have their fingers on the pulse of their workforce, and to identify and correct issues before they become problematic.

However, these meetings can sometimes be difficult to administer effectively when the supervisor has to keep track of large teams or has no context for changes that have happened throughout the week. A “Next 7 Days” Todo smart list customized for individual employees can help you keep track of your employee’s workloads, and know at a glance before the meeting begins if there is something that he or she needs to work on and needs to be talked about.

Let Todo do some of the heavy lifting for you, and discover how it balances connection with your team and adequate space for them to do their jobs. Download the app today to start learning more about how you can use it to fit within your particular management needs. We know you’ll love it, because we made it for productivity-minded people like you!

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